I not only enjoy coding, but I also enjoy writing and creating content! You can check out some of my professional work below.
⤷ Surface real-time view and unique viewer counts in your video player (Mux)
⤷ Introducing the Mux Changelog (Mux)
⤷ Build a Point-of-Sale App with Serialized (Serialized)
⤷ dApp Data Tutorial (Polygon + Fauna)
⤷ Algolia DevCon feature (Algolia)
⤷ Adding trending recommendations to your existing e-commerce store (Algolia)
⤷ How to personalize search results and recommendations (Algolia)
⤷ For my Dev Advocacy work with RenderATL, I created and hosted a podcast, Culture & Code that covered topics such as Empowering Early Career Developers, Web3, and beyond. 🚀 You can listen to it here.
⤷ Democratizing Live Video with React (React Miami - Talk)
⤷ Creating Delightful Documentation (Spring 2022 Women in Tech Summit - Talk)
⤷ Keynote Speech (Technica 2023 - start watching speech at 2:07:31)