The Problem
For Square Code Camp 2019, a program hosted by Square where 20 women are selected for an immersive 5-day experience in tech, we were also given a hackathon problem to tackle. The prompt this year was "create something that solves a problem". After doing a lot of deep research, my team and I found that three are over 63,000 unhoused people in New York City. We decided to build an app that would help empower unhoused people in New York as well as individual philanthropists who wanted to help those in need in the community, promoting microeconomic empowerment. On top of that, we also wanted to empower businesses in the same community that wanted to help those in need.
We highlighted the three possible user journeys in our final presentation, but the main premise of what we hoped to accomplish with our app was:
* Micro-economic empowerment, giving a chance for not only businesses but for individuals to benefit economically
* Easy and accessible way for both businesses and individuals to contribute to social good and philanthropy
* Awareness about the community and the struggles that it may be facing at the moment